Blog Series Kick Off — Top 5 Emerging Trends in the Microsoft 365 Cloud Adoption Journey


Earlier this Summer, I was asked to present a “Lightening Talk” as part of the Microsoft 365 Global Virtual Community launch. My session focused on the top 5 emerging trends that I see when working with large enterprise customers and partners at the Boston, MA Microsoft Technology Center.

I decided to reflect back on my Cloud Adoption Journey blog series from 2+ years ago and look forward as COVID-19 has accelerated customer adoption of Microsoft/Office 365 and customers are rapidly moving forward into the “Realize Value” phase.

Microsoft 365 Cloud Adoption Journey

Since my original talk in August 2020 (slides here), I have decided to begin a new blog series over the next few months focused on going deeper on each of these 5 areas and providing more specific examples, use cases, resources, and scenarios.

So what are the top 5 trends keeping me busy these days?

1 — Microsoft Teams as a Platform
2 — Power Platform
3 — Project Cortex and SharePoint Syntex
4 — Security and Compliance
5 — Industry and Horizonal Solutions

Stay tuned for more blog posts focused on these and other topics.

What are you seeing at your company? Other big topics and trends for 2020 and beyond? Please leave your comments below or connect with me on Twitter or LinkedIn.



Chris Bortlik (@cbortlik)

Works for Microsoft as a Principal Technical Architect at the MTC in Boston, MA. Author. Speaker. Blogger. Husband. Dad.